Politicizing the Pandemic and Spreading of Ideology in Media Texts

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية


الأکاديمية العربية للعلوموالتکنولوجيا والنقل البحرى کلية اللغة والإعلام


The concept of ideology has been utilized for many years in different arenas, mass media, politics and social sciences. Ideology as a notion was invented in the 18th century by the French philosopher Destutt de Tracy. Although it has been widely used in diverse fields ever since being invented and introduced as a notion, a clear definition of it was quite controversial. Ideology is a system of ideas and beliefs shared by a group of people or movement; these ideas could be social, religious or political (van Dijk, 2006). Implicitly spreading certain ideologies is done with the purpose of manipulating masses. This study investigates the ideologization of media discourse in three New York Times articles published on November 11, 2020, January 7 and 18, 2021 expressing opinions about how Egypt has dealt with the pandemic. This is done with the aim of examining the language used to discuss the pandemic that has spread in the whole world, and which is used as a pressurizing mechanism. A linguistic tool kit of ideological discursive tools (Fowler, 1991) is utilized as a framework to explore the discursive sources of ideology along with the Labovian Narrative Structure model to investigate how newspaper articles are designed to capture the audience’s attention.

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