Astylistic Analysis of the ”Paradox Technique in T.S, Eliot’s Four Quartest Empphasis on ’Burnt Norton

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية


کلية الآداب - جامعة المنوفية


Language is an instrument of communication
according to which messages with the aim of
ordering, persuading or informing are to be
transferred from one to another. In this
regard, Smith describes language as a medium
or channel through which a speaker ... transmits
information to a receiving ... listener’ (1). A
literary work is a medium of linguistic
communication between author and implied reader.
That is, the artist adjusts language to his own
purposes, and, to do so, he uses various
linguistic devices to ensure that his aims would
be achieved. In other words, a work of art is a
craft in language and a manipulation of words,
and, on a larger scale, syntactic stuctures.
The analysis of discourse is necessarily the
study of language in communication. Such study
involves contextual considerations and so it
necessarily belongs to that area of linguistics
called pragmatics.
Pragmatics is concerned with the
three-termed relation which unites linguistic
forms and the communicative functions these
forms are capable of serving with the contexts
or settings in which given linguistic forms can
have certain functions. In other words it is
the study of the use and meaning of utterances
in relation to their situation.
Doing discourse analysis, Brown and Yule
argue, certainly involves doing syntax and
semantics but it primarily consists of doing
pragmatics; (2) pragmatic facts are frequently
necessary for explaining syntactic and semantic

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