We have seen that people use paradox for different purposes and functions. These can be summarised here. A paradox en!ililesus to overcome dichotomies created bi Aristotelian (logical) thought; gives us a feeling of wonder, shock, surprise and novelty; permits us to experience the object in isolation from our personal concerns; embodies the challenge its author puts to the reader; allows us feel the emotions evoked by the possible readings of the eXPression; and gives us an illusion of the essence of an experience or world. A paradox is also a useful tool in the hand:’!d’ H Liter’aryauthor HI order to defend apparent absurdities; equivocate his real attitude of the metamorphic principle; express inte drama; towards his subject; show the underlying unity of all things; reshape reality; express the inexpressible; achieve narrative irony or create a paradoxical character; make use but not least, whole worl