International politics in David hare’s plenty/

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية


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At the background of David Hare’s plays
twentieth century political third world events
loom large: The Chinese revolution lies at the
bClckground of Fanshen, (1967) India’s
independance from British Colonial rule and
the Suez crises in plenty, (Hare 1978) and
the Vietnam War in saigon: Year of the Cat
(1983). Hare (1986 vii) justified his
recurrent use of third world political events
in his plays when he says ”if you write at all
about the East, you attract $uch gratitude
from people who live there”. Fanshen. a clear
product of his interest in the East, possess ~s 3;
political line showing how communism replaced
feudalism in a small
dramatized by Ch’
~he 1940’S. Unlike
by critics as an
e cha
nd about a
major political change undergone by the
Chinese people, Plenty raised a lot of
controversy among critics regarding its
classification. According to Young (1978 13)

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